RAD Summer School 6 -11 Jun 16

Dancepointe Academy (DPA) is proud to host The Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) Summer School 2016 at 5 different DPA locations this year and we want you to be a part of it!

The RAD, a UK based dance organization with internationally recognized Classical Ballet curriculum and certifications, holds their Summer School bi-annually in Singapore. The RAD Summer school aims to provide beyond classroom learning with the engagement of UK trained RAD teachers and in addition to Classical Ballet, other dance related subjects such as Character Dance, Creative Dance and Musical Theatre!

At the end of the 5 days Summer School, the children will be performing at The Republic Cultural Theatre and this year, it will be a special themed performance – “In Celebration of 90th Birthday of Our Patron, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II”

We look forward to your participation in this prestigious Bi Annual Event! Download the Summer School 2016 Application Form now for the class schedules.

Enjoy your holidays at Dancepointe Academy this June!

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