18th CSTD Singapore Dance Competition 2016


Congratulations to TEAMdpa who had competed in the recent 18th CSTD Regional Dance Competition at ACJC Auditorium! Our dedicated dancers with the creative choreographies by our very own DPA Teachers had earned over 30 achievements, including our team of 140 dancers who were all placed in the 7 Group Items!

Now, enjoy the above videos and witness the hard work by our Competition and Performance TEAMdpa! Put together by our dance photography and video department – DPA Studios Production.

TEAMdpa Teachers: Mr Dan Kwoh, Ms Kok Huishi, Ms Wong Liang Pei, Ms Crystal Lum, Ms Rachel Toh.

Additional Choreographers: Ms Lena Foo, Ms Dianny, Ms Ivy Ng, Ms Mariska, Ms Veronica Boh, Ms Angela, Ms Ong Yanping.

Dancepointe Academy would like to recognise the following outstanding dancers who were placed 1st Position in their SOLO items with the 2017 TEAMdpa Scholarship. This will entitle them to A Year of Free Apprentice/dTEAM Training Classes. We hope also to motivate all students to work towards this scholarship for the years to come.

  • Classical Solo 7&U                : 1st Position (Kayleen Lee)
  • Classical Solo 9&U                : 1st Position (Raphael Leo)
  • Classical Novice Solo 9&U    : 1st Position (Tyu Ke Shan)
  • Classical Solo Novice 13&U  : 1st Position (Alyssa Tan)
  • Lyrical Solo 13&U                 : 1st Position (Skye O’Toole)
  • Contemporary Solo 17&U      : 1st Position (Phua Xuan Ru)

List of Achievements

SENIOR COMPETITION – 27th & 28th Aug 2016

Classical Solo Novice 13&U

Alyssa Tan: 1st Position

Lyrical Solo 13&U

Skye O’Toole: 1st Position

Contemporary Solo 17&U

Phua Xuan Ru: 1st Position

Lyrical Solo Novice 13&U

Alyssa Tan: 2nd Position

Duo/Trio 15&U

Alyssa Tan, Nathasia Chin, Skye O’Toole: 2nd Position

Duo/Trio Open Age

Kate Chong & Ge Mingya: 2nd Position

Groups Open (Contemporary, Lyrical, Neo Classical)

dTEAM: 2nd Position

Contemporary Solo Novice 13&U

Alyssa Tan: Honourable Mention

Lyrical Solo Novice 15&U

Fong Tze Yee: Honourable Mention

Mixed Duos

Cindy Chen & Michael Suhartono: Honourable Mention

Ensemble Open

dTEAM: Honourable Mention

Groups 15&U (Contemporary, Lyrical, Classical)

Youth Apprentice: Honourable Mention

Groups Open (Contemporary, Lyrical, Neo-Classical)

Senior Apprentice: Honourable Mention

JUNIOR COMPETITION – 6th – 9th Sept 2016

Classical Solo 7&U

Kayleen Lee: 1st Position

Classical Solo 9&U

Raphael Leo: 1st Position

Classical Novice Solo 9&U

Tyu Ke Shan: 1st Position

Demi-Char 9&U

Raphael Leo: 1st Position

Duo/Trio 12&U

Amanda Lee, Mandy Koh, Adelle Choi: 2nd Position

Jazz Solo 9&U

Raphael Leo: 3rd Position

Classical Solo Novice 11&U

Jodyn Chua: 3rd Position

Duo/Trio 12&U

Chua Xin Xuan, Renee Low: 3rd Position

Groups 12&U (Classical, Lyrical, Neo)

Northeast Junior Apprentice: 3rd Position

Groups 12&U (Song&Dance, Tap, National)

West Junior Apprentice: 3rd Position

Lyrical Solo 7&U

Ariel Ng: Honourable Mention

Jazz Novice Solo 9&U

Tan Wan Yee: Honourable Mention

Duo/Trio 7&U

Olesya Koe, Khor En Rui, Selene Tan: Honourable Mention

Duo/Trio 9&U (Tap, Song&Dance, Lyrical)

Sheryl Ho, Cady Lim: Honourable Mention

Rapheal Leo, Inez Oh: Honourable Mention

Groups 9&U (Song&Dance, Jazz, Tap and National)

West First Apprentice: Honourable Mention

Groups 9&U (Classical Neo & Lyrical)

Northeast First Appprentice: Honourable Mention

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