20th CSTD Asia Pacific Dance Competition
Congratulations to all our dancers for your amazing achievements in 2018!
CSTD Asia Pacific
Lyrical Solo 9&Under
Ariel Ng: 1st position
(Choreographed by Ms Wong Liang Pei)
Classical Solo 9&Under
Kayleen Lee: Honorable Mention
(Choreographed by Ms Crystal Lum)
National/Classical Groups 13&Under
West Junior Apprentice: 2nd Position
(Choreographed by Ms Crystal Lum)
National Groups Open Age
dTEAM: 1st Position
(Choreographed by Mr Dan Kwoh)
CSTD Asia Pacific
Classical groups 9&Under
Northeast First Apprentice: 2nd Position
(Choreographed by Ms Kok Huishi)
Classical Solo 11&U
Raphael Leo: 1st Position
(Choreographed by Ms Kok Huishi)
Lyrical Solo 11&u
Raphael Leo: 2nd Position
(Choreographed by Ms Kok Huishi)
Freestyle Solo 7&Under
Lim Yuhan: Honourable Mention
(Choreographed by Ms Wong Liang Pei)
Lyrical Groups 13&under
Northeast Junior Apprentice: Honorable Mention
(Choreographed by Ms Wong Liang Pei)
Hiphop Duo/Trio Open Age
Zeff Ling, Goh Jia Yi, Rayedem Roumimper: 1st Position
(Choreographed by Mr Rayedem Roumimper)
CSTD Asia Pacific
Jazz Groups 7&Under
Teeny Apprentice: Honourable Mention
(Choreographed by Ms Ashley Tan)
Hip Hop/Song & Dance Ensembles 15&Under
MVJunior: 2nd Position
(Choreographed by Mr Freddy Yohaki)
Congratulations to 2018 Scholarship Winners!
DPA would like to recognise the outstanding dancers who were placed 1st Position in their SOLO items with the 2018 TEAMdpa Scholarships.
This will entitle them to a year of free 2019 Apprentice/dTEAM training Classes. We hope also to motivate all students to work towards this scholarship for the years to come.
- Classical Solo 9&U : 1st Position (Raphael Leo)
- Classical Solo Novice 15&U : 1st Position (Nathasia Chin)
- Classical Solo 15&U : 1st Position (Alyssa Tan)
- National Solo Novice 15&U : 1st position (Deslyn Chia)
- Contemporary Novice Solo 15&U : 1st position (Alyssa Tan)
- National Solo Open Age : 1st position (Kate Chong)
- Contemporary Solo 17&U : 1st position (Amanda Koh)
- Acrobatics Solo 17&U : 1st position (Amanda Koh)
- Contemporary Solo Open : 1st Position (Phua Xuan Ru)